Since 1965, 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校为学生量身定制了学位课程,以跟上他们的现实生活——包括刚毕业的高中毕业生, military veterans, adult learners and transfer students.

Folleto Académico


Folleto Académico

MSU Denver Points of Pride


Innovation Creates Value

U.S. News & 《皇冠官网网站》将丹佛州立大学列为西部地区机构中最具创新力的第三所大学.


Diversity means All are Welcome

自2019年以来,密歇根州立大学丹佛分校被美国联邦政府指定为西班牙裔服务机构.S. Department of Education.


Engagement & Inclusion are Key

Offering over 120 clubs and organizations, Roadrunners can seek opportunities to network, build community, 获得领导能力和专业经验,或者只是找点乐子.

Facts About MSU Denver's Student Population

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First-Generation Students


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54% Students of Color

丹佛州立大学一半以上的学生是有色人种, 打造了该州最多元化的校园之一.

Transfer Student Test

Transfer Students




$4,393.70 Colorado Resident Tuition and Fees


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Students Eligible for the Pell Grant


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皇冠体育官网是科罗拉多州最实惠的四年制大学之一, giving students great value in their education!

Visit MSU Denver!

See all that our campus has to offer. 与皇冠官网网站的蓝衣船员学生指南一起选择面对面或虚拟选项, 谁会很乐意带你四处看看,让你知道你需要做什么,准备好了吗!

Visit MSU Denver

See Yourself Here

An Undergrad Text

Undergraduate Students

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Graduate Students

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Students Working Full- or Part-Time

HSI Salud Celebration Musician

MSU Denver Diversity

Diversity is a core value. 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校旨在促进学习者的包容性社区, 对多元文化观点的认识和欣赏. 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校是科罗拉多州最多元化的四年制大学之一,自2019年以来一直被公认为西班牙裔服务机构.


Commuter Resources

四个校园轻轨站和区域交通区通道意味着从丹佛地铁的任何地方都可以轻松到达这里. 校园内的停车场和自行车/滑板车车道也使校园成为一个交通友好的目的地.

Transit Hero


Housing Options

忘记通勤-您距离校园和丹佛市中心的所有兴奋之处仅几步之遥,在Lynx Crossing有校内住房机会! 根据学期,提供灵活的住宿和餐饮合同, 皇冠官网网站的睦邻伙伴关系意味着你永远不会付出超出你需要的.

Meet Dr. Janine Davidson, Ph.D.

Janine Davidson, Ph.D., is MSU Denver’s current president. 她是皇冠官网网站学生团体的大胆支持者,并将皇冠官网网站的目标放在使皇冠体育官网成为机会的模范城市大学, excellence and innovation.

Service is her life’s work. Prior to leading MSU Denver, 戴维森曾任美国海军副部长,后来被奥巴马总统任命为海军和海军陆战队的首席管理官.

President Janine Davidson

Campus Safety

Campus has its own police station and officers. 他们全天候为这三所大学的校园社区服务. 你甚至可以看到他们和学生一起吃午餐或巡逻, they are always available for students and staff. (一定要向Jet问好——奥瑞亚警察局的K9和吉祥物.)

You will also see a blue-light phones, emergency call buttons, well lit campus, 夜行者服务和文本警报系统-所有这些都是为了确保Auraria社区的安全.

MSU Denver Outcomes

Become part of a network of 100,000多名roadrunner校友将他们的学位带入世界并改变了世界. How do you want to change the world?

MSU Denver Alumni

Community-Centered Chef & Businesswoman

Fetien Gebre-Michael (B.S. marketing, 她是Konjo Catering的主厨兼女商人, 埃塞俄比亚食品卡车和Konjo埃塞俄比亚食品. 当COVID-19大流行摧毁了酒店业,种族正义抗议活动震撼了街头, 她的烹饪一直支持的社区团结起来支持她和她的生意.

Konjo Catering

Gary Striewski ESPN

From MSU Denver to ESPN SportsCenter

ESPN SportsCenter host Gary Striewski (B.A. speech communication, 从桑顿中学(Thornton Middle School)到密歇根州立大学丹佛分校(MSU Denver),再到体育领域的全球领导者.

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