The Department of Social Work is home to over 130 faculty, 管理员, 学生工作人员, and affiliate faculty here to support our undergraduate and graduate students on their journeys. 访问 our directories below to learn more about our team.

皇冠官网网站的 Social Work Faculty Directory lists all of the Department of Social Work Faculty that work for the department full-time. These are our core faculty and also serve as faculty advisors to undergraduate and graduate students.

皇冠官网网站的 Social Work Administrator and Student Staff Directory lists our full-time professional staff as well as our part-time 学生工作人员. This includes members of the Office of Social Work 学生服务 and the Office of Field Education as well as folks who work on grants and online learning.

皇冠官网网站的 Social Work Affiliate Faculty Directory lists all the active affiliate faculty members in the Department of Social Work. 皇冠官网网站的 affiliate faculty members teach with us part-time while also working in the field.

Social Work Faculty Directory

Social Work Administrator & Student Staff Directory

Social Work Affiliate Faculty Directory


The Department of Social Work is here to support you on your journey!

Have a question or comment for us? Please fill out the form linked below and a member of our team will reply via email in 2-3 business days.


Central Classroom Building, Suite 201

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Metropolitan State University of 丹佛
Department of Social Work
邮政信箱173362 cb70