





Tivoli Turnhalle





Cleo Parker Robinson - in Sliver and Purple shirt with arms crossed in front smiling

Cleo Parker Robinson is Founder and Artistic Director of the 53-year-old 丹佛 based Cleo Parker Robinson Dance. 作为一名大师, 编排, 教育家, 提倡, 也是国际社会的文化大使, she oversees the renowned Cleo Parker Robinson Dance Ensemble, 以及克利奥二世(Cleo II)nd 公司), 青春合奏, 舞蹈学院, 国际夏季舞蹈学院, a 240-seat theatre and a 多样性 of educational and 社区 engagement programs. Cleo is the recipient of a myriad of honors and awards from civic, 社区, 以及世界各地的艺术组织, as she and her Ensemble continuously provide 表演, 研讨会, 委托作品, 大师班, 社区规划和参与. 她的“同一精神”哲学, Many Voices” is reflected in all that she does and is the vision she and her organization share everywhere they go.


Emmy Award winning journalist Tamara Banks lives by her motto: “One Person Can Make a Difference.”
Tamara is a freelance national and international TV news correspondent/producer, 脱口秀主持人, 纪录片导演, 关注社会公正, and dedicated to creating transformative social change through excellence in journalism. Tamara spent many years in 丹佛 as an Anchor/Reporter on WB2 新闻. Her work has been featured on numerous news networks including PBS, 美国有线电视新闻网, ABC新闻, HDNet的世界报告, 英国广播公司, 美国国家公共电台, 美国半岛电视台, 半岛电视台, WB 2 新闻, 福克斯新闻, as well on as a number of radio stations and newspapers over the past 20 plus years. 除了社会正义, 她的专业领域包括种族灭绝, 危害人类罪, 以及美国各地的政治问题.S. and internationally…particularly in South Sudan and Darfur. 她将很快前往另一个冲突地区. 那个…在埃塞俄比亚北部.

纪念瑞秋40多年. 诺埃尔的遗产

瑞秋·B. 诺埃尔杰出客座教授 was initiated in 1981 to foster multiculturalism, 多样性, and academic excellence at Metropolitan State University of 丹佛. The professorship brings renowned scholars and artists of distinction to 密歇根州立大学丹佛 to conduct classes, 研讨会, 表演, 还有学生讲座, 教师, 以及更大的丹佛社区.

瑞秋B. 诺埃尔教授 have included such luminaries as Princeton Professor Cornel West, 钢琴家比利·泰勒, 作者Iyanla Vanzant, 斯佩尔曼学院前校长约翰内塔·科尔, 爵士歌手黛安·里夫斯, the late actor and civil rights activist Ossie Davis, 也是《 乌木 杂志《小莱昂内·贝内特.


Shakti Butler: 2022-23 Calvin Mackie: 2021-22 菲比一个. 哈登:2020 - 21所示 乔伊-安·里德:2019-20年

瑞秋B. 过去的教授

瑞秋B. 诺埃尔杰出客座教授 Event 录音




This film was sponsored by the 密歇根州立大学丹佛 Foundation’s 雷切尔诺 Endowment to share her story with the larger 社区. This film aired on PBS, channel 6, January 13, at 7:30 p.m.

瑞秋B. 诺尔:


This film was created by 密歇根州立大学丹佛 in the mid-2000s to celebrate the life and legacy of 雷切尔诺.

关于瑞秋B教授. 诺埃尔

瑞秋·诺埃尔在图书馆看书A champion of the civil rights movement in 丹佛 and in Colorado, 雷切尔诺 was the first African American woman elected to public office in Colorado, the first African American elected to the 丹佛 Public Schools’ (DPS) Board of Education, the first African American to be a member and chair of the University of Colorado Board of Regents, and the first African American woman elected statewide in Colorado.

4月25日, 1968, she presented the DPS board with the 诺埃尔 Resolution, recognizing that the “establishment of an integrated school population is desirable to achieve equality of educational opportunity.”  It directed the superintendent to develop “a comprehensive plan for the integration of the 丹佛 Public Schools.”  Under a cloud of threats to 诺埃尔 and her family, the resolution passed on May 17, 1968. 美国.S. Supreme Court would eventually affirm 诺埃尔’s position in its landmark decision of 1973, 凯斯v. 丹佛学区. 1, making 丹佛 the first city outside the American South to be instructed by the country’s highest court to address de facto segregation with school busing.

诺埃尔 also played a critical role in 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s history. She came to 密歇根州立大学丹佛 as a teacher of sociology and African American Studies in 1969 and served as chair of the African American Studies Department from 1971 to 1980.

(图片来源:Steve Larson/The 丹佛 Post)

诺埃尔于2008年去世,享年90岁. During her lifetime and after, 诺埃尔’s legacy has inspired the 密歇根州立大学丹佛 社区 and beyond. 1981年,学校创建了瑞秋B. 诺埃尔杰出客座教授 to honor 诺埃尔.  许多奖项和荣誉的获得者, 诺埃尔 also lived to see a 丹佛 Public Schools middle school named in her honor.  Although that middle school was closed, the building and campus is still called the 瑞秋B. 诺埃尔校区是各种特许项目的所在地. 诺埃尔社区艺术学校, 位于前蒙特贝罗高中大楼内, 包括一所高中和一所中学.

诺埃尔 was awarded honorary doctoral degrees from the University of 丹佛 in 1993 and the University of Colorado in 2004 and an honorary degree from 密歇根州立大学丹佛 in 1981.  She held a bachelor’s degree from Hampton University and a master’s degree from Fisk University. 诺埃尔’s other commendations and accomplishments were many, including:

  • 落基山新闻 2000年百大世纪公民
  • 2001年丹佛市长千禧年奖
  • 科罗拉多女子名人堂,1996年
  • Civil Rights Award, Anti-Defamation League, Mountain States Region, 2004
  • Pillars of Leadership Award, National Organization of Black Elected Legislative Women, 2002
  • 大都会州立学院的朴素和华丽奖, 1990, 1974- 1975年度优秀女教师
  • 马丁·路德·金. 人道主义奖,1990年
  • 民权委员会, Colorado Advisory Committee; Mayor Wellington Webb’s Black Advisory Committee; Mayor Federico Peña’s Black Advisory Committee (chair)
  • 丹佛房屋管理局局长
  • Council Trenholm Memorial Award, National Education Association, 1978
  • Eddy Award, 丹佛 Classroom Teachers’ Association, 1963