
To prepare culturally responsive and competent students with skills to work in multicultural and global contexts, understand the changing demographics in American society and articulate/analyze public policy issues such as 人权 and immigration through the incorporation of concepts such as Chicanisma/o, Mexicanisma/o and Latinidad through approaches of inclusive pedagogy and praxis.


To create an international competitive Chicana/o Studies Department that attracts students globally and prepares them to address national and worldwide issues and concerns.

Program Learning Outcomes and Goals

The Chicana/o Studies Department (CHS) adheres to the following core values as it works with students to achieve academic excellence: social justice, 人权, 自我赋权, cultural responsiveness and service to community. The Department realizes students need the best academic tools available in order to compete in the market place and to better the world we live in and understand tools come from a variety of sources. 院士, scholars and practitioners of social change acknowledge that methods and theories utilized to analyze social, 政治, 历史, 经济, 宗教, gendered and racialized conditions emanate best from an interdisciplinary approach to teaching and learning. 作为一个部门, the philosophical underpinnings that inform our pedagogical practice include the work of renowned scholars such as Paolo Freire who assumes that the teacher is not all-knowing or neutral; the teacher shares his/her knowledge; however, within his philosophical framework, both teachers and students have a vested interest in a reciprocal process of learning. He states in Pedagogy of Freedom: Ethics, 民主, 和公民勇气, “To teach is not to transfer knowledge but to create the possibilities for the production or construction of knowledge…Whoever teaches learns in the act of teaching, and whoever learns teaches in the act of learning” (p.30-31).

The Department understands Chicana/o Studies is a relatively new discipline, 成立于20世纪70年代初, and which has grown tremendously as it ventures into new and exciting areas of inquiry. This relative newness puts CHS in a unique position with wonderful opportunities to define and/or position curricular issues within the discipline in 2012, or what the 2010 NACCS National Association of Chicana and Chicano Studies chair person, Dr. Devon Peña stated is the “Post-Neo Liberal Economy.” This means the Department must respond to current 经济, social and 政治 conditions in a meaningful way to prepare students for the new millennium.

Chicana/o Studies 联系信息


Rectory Building, 1156 9th Street, 科罗拉多州丹佛市 80217


Monday-Thursday: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM.

Friday: By appointment and remote.






Department of Chicana/o Studies
Metropolitan State University of 丹佛
P.O. 173362箱