

Sigma is the International Business Honor Society, recognizing and honoring top performing students from around the world in business schools accredited by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).

Each year the 商学院 sends out invitations to the top 10% of our undergraduate and top 20% of our graduate students to join BGS.  Members are provided opportunities to socialize and work with other honor students through various on-campus and off-campus gatherings.


老师联系: 管理部门的Maria Quijada
联系电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)
电话号码: 303-605-7987

Accounting Student Organization

The 麻生太郎 is an organization for accounting students. We provide a forum that allows you to socialize with other accounting students and professors. We present the opportunity to get to know one another better outside of the classroom. The 麻生太郎 provides essential information on scholarships, 就业机会, 写简历, 面试技巧. Our meetings are well attended by members of local, 区域, 以及四大会计师事务所, as well as professionals and accountants from private business and industry.

Accounting Student Organization

Association of IT Professionals – Student Chapter

The purpose of the AITP Student Chapter is to create a community of career-oriented students who are pursuing a future where Information Technology is at the forefront.

This community will foster the learning objectives of each member while simultaneously encouraging the contribution of their own knowledge and resources.

We have monthly gatherings on campus where we invite an industry professional to come speak and share their story. This gives us an insight into many different career paths, 专门化, and opportunities there are within IT. These are great opportunities to network with fellow students and our guests.

Once you have signed up through roadrunner you must go to the AITP website and create your free student account

对于你的章节, select Metropolitan State University of 丹佛

联系电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)
电话号码: (618) 340-4977

是 is a professional co-ed student organization dedicated to developing the sales and marketing skills of its members. Through real world opportunities, students can practice these skills in a safe and constructive environment with their peers. These include sales roleplay competitions, 公开演讲活动, interview and marketing challenges, and networking with local business partners. 在PSE, students are able to build community with like-minded and welcoming individuals and form lasting connections. Through our corporate partners, members are able to expand their network and have excellent job opportunities upon graduation. 开放 to all majors and ages, PSE is your opportunity to invest in yourself.


密歇根州立大学丹佛 房地产俱乐部 logo


密歇根州立大学丹佛’s 房地产俱乐部 enhances students’ knowledge and relationships between 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students and real estate professionals in the Colorado real estate market. 组织实地考察, 演讲嘉宾活动, and career development sessions all aimed at providing students with in-depth knowledge and exposure to networking opportunities.

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