关于 Office of the Provost

The Office of the Provost, under the leadership of the Provost and Executive Vice President for 学术事务, is responsible for developing, delivering and evaluating academic programs, as well as related policies and procedures. It is also responsible for the promotion, 任期内, 以及留存过程, and other faculty related procedures.

The following campus administrators report to the Provost and Executive Vice President for 学术事务:


Office of the Provost staff:

  • 尼尔森·瓦伦斯基,m.s.S., Budget Director for 学术事务
  • 吉尔·兰格,硕士.A., Executive Assistant to the Provost and Executive Vice President for 学术事务
  • 佩奇Vercelline, Assistant to the Deputy Provost
  • Ryan Talley 办公室经理


什么是教务长? 教务长是做什么的?

The provost is the University’s “Chief Academic Officer.简而言之, that means it’s the provost’s job to oversee and advance the interests of under研究生, 研究生, and professional education at an institution of higher education. It’s the provost’s job to advocate for academic priorities; make sure we recruit and retain a superb and diverse faculty and staff; and marshal resources in support of excellent teaching, 研究, 创造性活动, effective wrap around student support services, and other institutional infrastructural needs. All faculty promotion and 任期内 decisions ultimately come through the Office of the Provost as recommendations to the President and the 校董会.

在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校, 所有的学校, 大学, and other academic units report to the Provost’s Office, 教职员事务也是如此, 研究生学习, 本科阶段的学习, 学术有效性, 课程 & Policy Development, 在线学习, and Innovative and Lifelong Learning. The Provost’s Office is also responsible for ensuring the educational quality of the institution. This is achieved through regional accreditation (the Higher Learning Commission is 密歇根州立大学丹佛’s regional accrediting body), and those academic programs which seek accreditation whether required (e.g., nursing, teaching) or desired (e.g., computer science, CIS, engineering technology).

Provost and Executive Vice President for 学术事务


8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.,星期一至星期五


(303) 615-1900


Jordan Student Success Building, Office 330


P.O. Box 173362, Campus Box 48, CO 80217


890 Auraria Parkway, 丹佛, CO 80204
